
CCMiner – tpruvot vs KlausT vs alexis78 version – Debate on best CCMiner

This is Alt Coin season so in the next upcoming days you can expect to see more Altcoins guides, tips and tutorials from Coin Guides. With more than 1000s of Altcoins out there many of us are currently mining one or the other. Most of the Altcoins are ASIC resistant which is good and most importantly many new coins are leaning more towards NVIDIA than AMD GPUs.

Yes, NVIDIA seems to hash better than AMD in majority of Alt coins. Most of us miners know that when it comes to mining Altcoins with NVIDIA; CCMiner is the best. Forget about EWBF CUDA Zcash Miner and Ethereum Claymore miner for now. Here this post is all about CCMiner and choosing the best CCMiner version for specific coins and algorithms.

CCMiner – Crypto Currency Mining Solutions

ccminer nvidia cuda

CCMiner stands for Crypto Currency Miner. It is basically a mining tool for NVIDIA. CCMiner is an open source project specifically designed for CUDA compatible GPUs and its available for both Windows as well as Linux.

There are many versions of CCMiner available in which few miners are specifically built only to mine a particular algorithm. For example Garlicoin uses Allium algorithm so only CCminer Allium version supports it. A special CCMiner developed for Raven Coin that uses X16r, CCMiner developed particularly for Cryptonight coins and much more. However there are three main CCMiner versions such as tpruvot, KlausT, alexis78 which supports majority of algorithms.

CCMiner – tpruvot VS KlausT VS alexis78 vs Christian Buchner version

Christian Buchner version is the very first CC Miner which is no longer supported or active on GitHub.

tpruvot is the most popular version and it is forked from Christian Buchner version

Alexis78 version is based on Christian Buchner and its forked from tpruvot

KlausT version is a fork of tpruvot and sp-hash.

All three miners can handle the following algorithms.

bastion use to mine Joincoin
bitcore use to mine Bitcore’s Timetravel10
blake use to mine Saffroncoin (Blake256)
blakecoin use to mine Old Blake 256
blake2s use to mine Nevacoin (Blake2-S 256)
bmw use to mine Midnight
cryptolight use to mine AEON cryptonight (MEM/2)
cryptonight use to mine XMR cryptonight, Bytecoin, Dash, DigitalNote, etc
c11/flax use to mine Chaincoin and Flax
decred use to mine Decred 180 bytes Blake256-14
deep use to mine Deepcoin
dmd-gr use to mine Diamond-Groestl
equihash use to mine ZEC, HUSH and KMD
fresh use to mine Freshcoin
fugue256 use to mine Fuguecoin
groestl use to mine Groestlcoin
hsr use to mine Hshare
jackpot use to mine Sweepcoin
keccak use to mine Maxcoin
keccakc use to mine CreativeCoin
lbry use to mine LBRY Credits
luffa use to mine Joincoin
lyra2 use to mine CryptoCoin
lyra2v2 use to mine Vertcoin
lyra2z use to mine Zerocoin (XZC)
myr-gr use to mine Myriad-Groest
neoscrypt use to mine FeatherCoin, Trezarcoin, Orbitcoin, etc
nist5 use to mine TalkCoin
penta use to mine Joincoin / Pentablake
phi use to mine LUXCoin
polytimos use to mine Polytimos
quark use to mine Quarkcoin
qubit use to mine Qubit
scrypt use to mine Scrypt coins (Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc)
scrypt:N use to mine Scrypt-N (:10 for 2048 iterations)
scrypt-jane use to mine Chacha coins like Cache and Ultracoin
s3 use to mine 1coin (ONE)
sha256t use to mine OneCoin (OC)
sia use to mine SIA
sib use to mine Sibcoin
skein use to mine Skeincoin
skein2 use to mine Woodcoin
skunk use to mine Signatum
timetravel use to mine MachineCoin
tribus use to mine Denarius
x11evo use to mine Revolver
x11 use to mine DarkCoin
x14 use to mine X14Coin
x15 use to mine Halcyon
x17 use to mine X17
vanilla use to mine Vanilla (Blake256)
veltor use to mine VeltorCoin
whirlpool use to mine Joincoin
wildkeccak use to mine Boolberry (Stratum only)
zr5 use to mine ZiftrCoin

With all three miners supporting these algorithms how do you decide on which miner is the most optimized and gives the best performance per watt.

Best CCMiner

Depending on one’s rig setup and software one miner can perform better than the other without any crashes or hiccups. You have to work with different setups tweaking the intensity and difficulty of the miner to see which works best for you. Not only the miner but also you have to tweak your GPU clock settings to utilize the most out of your GPU.

We heard from many miners saying that that there won’t be much hashrate difference among these versions. Yes, we agree that on most algorithms there won’t be much hashrate differences.  However there is solid proof in which a miner client performs better than the other client. For example KlausT CCMiner version hashes better in NeoScrypt than tpruvot. Recently Enemy Miner for Ravencoin seem to produce much better hashrate than tpruvot miner. But Enemy Miner is a closed source and that’s a different story.

Better the hashrate, More the coins. Using What To Mine you can pick the most profitable coin to mine at the moment. You may also know how to pick the right mining pool. But do you know how to choose the best mining program or miner for specific algorithm that is fast and uses your GPUs full potential?

pool benchmark best ccminer version

Here is a quick tip: We mostly use pools benchmark to see which card produces better hashrate on which algorithm and using which miner client.

pool miner version

In addition to this you can also check the miners page on pools where you can get the list of miner versions people are currently using. The one with maximum percentage seem to be trusted and works for many. Apart from this you can also seek help from bitcointalk and Discord community to know what others are using.

Here is the list of algorithms with CCMiner version that is known to perform better.

Best CCMiner for NeoScrypt Algorithm:

ccminer/8.20-KlausT – Check out List of NeoScrypt Coins

Best version CCMiner for Tribus Algorithm:

ccminer/2.2.4 and ccminer/TribusSPmod2 – Check out List of Tribus Coins

Best CCMiner for X16R Algorithim:

ccminer/enemy-1.03 (closed source) and ccminer/2.2.5 (open source and stable) – Used to mine RavenCoin (RVN)

CCMiner for X17 Algorithm:

ccminer/alexis-1.0 – Check out List of x17 Coins

Miner for XEVAN

ccminer/krnlx-xevanCheck out list of xevan coins

Miner version to choose for nist5

ccminer/alexis-1.0 and NiceHash/1.0.0View the list of nist5 coins

All the above list of miners benched, tested and seem to hash well for us. Also we plan to update this post very often whenever we find a miner that performs or hashes better than the other on a particular algorithm.

If you found out any miner that works well for you on a specific algorithm then please do comment it along with the link to mining application. We’ll add it to this post. Also please feel free to comment if you’d like to make some correction or share your thoughts on this post.  Until then keep hashing!

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We are crypto enthusiasts and our main intention with Coin Guides is to educate people about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. We regularly publish content about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins, wallet guides, mining tutorials and trading tips.

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  1. I’ve found that, for Neoscrypt, Palgins’ miner works better and is more stable that Klaust. Even though it is aimed for timetravel, it works much better for many different algos.

    There’s also a new miner on the scene: CrytpoDredge.

    This miner works very well for Lyra2v2, Skein and Blake2s. It comes with a dev fee, but when you look at the extra hashrate you’ll be getting, it doesn’t matter.

    Of course, there’s also the new miners out for the x16 algos, like Nevermore, Suprminer, Enemy and others, but those new algos weren’t listed in your post.

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