Crypto Mining

Nexa Mining – How to mine NexaPoW using GPU (Windows / Hive OS)

Crypto Mining NEXA – Another Interesting GPU mineable coin. After Ethereum’s switch to Proof of Stake GPU mining has become unprofitable and miners are looking for new profitable coins to mine. Nexa is yet another new coin that can be mined with GPUs. The coin was launched in June2022 and is something most GPU miners are currently into. Here let’s see how to mine Nexa? We’ll cover how to mine it on Windows, Hive OS and we’ll also share the overclock settings for bunch of different graphic cards.

Before we get there let’s first look at the profitability side of mining Nexa.

Nexa mining profitability

A lot of fairly new GPU mineable coins come into the mining scene and GPU miners are putting their hashrate into such coins even though they are not profitable. Like every new GPU coins; Nexa mining was very much profitable at launch. Also initially it was only mined with CPU. It was profitable even when it became GPU mineable but not anymore.

Nexa has gained a lot of attention recently and with growing interest in the project the network hashrate have spiked and as a result the profitability is dead. Giving a fair warning to anyone who’s getting into GPU mining scene. Building a mining equipment is expensive and can be a risky venture. Everything changes so quickly in this space and in current market condition its hard to break even so forget about profitable venture. Not only this coin, but nothing is really profitable unless you got free electricity.

Even though its not profitable a lot of miners are spec mining Nexa. This is the case with all GPU coins. Miners find and mine low hash coins and sell them once the price shoots up. Once the price shoots up, the hashrate climbs and most of the spec miners move onto lower hash coins. It’s a cycle.

Currently Nexa can be mined with either NVIDIA or AMD GPUs. It uses a custom Proof of Work mining algorithm called NexaPoW which is GPU intensive. Like any other algorithms those that have the powerful video cards will have the advantage. At the end of this guide we’ll share the mining calculators to estimate the mining profits for your hardware.

Risk Warning:

DISCLAIMER: We’re not invested into this project. Also the following post is not a financial or Investment advise. Cryptocurrencies are very volatile and their price keeps changing. Before you invest or mine a coin its highly recommended that you do your own research.

Initially all projects look interesting and promising. There will be many promises and road maps making you believe that it might be the next big project in the crypto space and is set to revolutionize the payments industry. If you are new then we advise you to not hold on to such coins thinking that it might become the next ETH or BTC. No, it won’t and no one knows the long term success of this coin. Its all speculative.

Now before we get started mining this coin here is a quick overview of Nexa.

What is NEXA?

Nexa is a Layer-1 blockchain platform that enables the creation of advanced tokens and NFTs with ease and at a low cost. The native tokens are backed by the full security of Proof of Work mining. Nexa also offers advanced programmability and smart-contract flexibility, surpassing traditional UTXO-based blockchains. Developers say that with near-EVM levels of functionality, it out-competes both Bitcoin and Ethereum, opening endless possibilities for DeFi applications. They claim that their platform offers advanced functionalities similar to Ethereum, but faster and cheaper smart contracts.

The project is currently being maintained and upgrade by the team called Bitcoin Unlimited. They say this is an open source project and that is designed to revolutionize the way people make payments and transact with each other. It features a smart contract-based payment system that allows users to quickly and securely make payments directly to other users without the need for a third-party intermediary. The platform with its smart contracts functionality allows its users to securely send, receive, and store cryptocurrencies on a private and secure blockchain network.

Do not confuse Nexa with Neoxa (NEOX).


  • Scalable Blockchain: Nexa is a scalable blockchain that is designed to handle billions of transaction per day. Capable of scaling up to 10 billion transactions per day, no high fees and no waiting around for your transaction to go through.
  • Instant Transactions: Transactions of any amount on Nexa are instantly sent across the network.
  • Native tokens and NFTs: The blockchain also offers EVM like smart contracts that supports native token services and NFTs.
  • Wise Contracts: Smart contracts provides EVM like functionality using minimal resources. This allows for enormous capacity at low costs, even for complex DeFi services. Ultra scalable smart contract system without the major scaling bottlenecks suffered by turing complete blockchains.
  • Unique PoW mining algorithm: Nexa’s unique PoW algorithm uses enormous scaling power mining incentives to bring in new hardware which can significantly increase the capacity of its network.

Anyone can join and get paid in NEXA for providing security to the network.

NexaPoW (NexScalePoW)

Nexa uses a unique Proof of Work hashing algorithm called NexaPoW which is also called ‘NexScalePOW’. The algorithm is currently a combination of SHA256 hashing and Schnorr signature creation which will be later upgraded to UTXO lookups. This algorithm contributes computing power to remove the two key bottlenecks in scalability faced by traditional blockchains: Signature signing and UXTO lookups.

You can learn more about the algorithm here:

Technical specifications:

  • Ticker: NEXA
  • Algorithm: NexaPoW
  • Network: UTXO + PoW
  • Capacity: >100,000TPS
  • Max Supply: 21 Trillion NEXA (140 years)
  • Network Hashrate: 15.79 TH/s
  • Difficulty: 411.9711K
  • Block Reward: 10,000,000.00 NEXA, Schedule: 10M NEX per block.
  • Block Time: 1m 52s (120 Sec) ≈ 2 min Blocks / Day
  • Daily emission: 7200000000 NEXA (5.41 BTC)
  • Price for 1 NEX: $0.00001301 USD
  • Block Explorer:
  • Discord channel:
  • CoinGecko:

For current network hashrate, difficulty, price and rewards you can refer to:


1. How fast are Nexa blocks? Nexa currently has an average block time of 2 minutes. The team is also exploring various techniques to enable shorter block times.

2. Supply information and supply schedule: Nexa’s monetary policy and block reward structure is similar to that of Bitcoin. It has a hard cap on the total supply which is 21 trillion NEX. The current block reward is 10 Million Nexa. Like Bitcoin Nexa also undergoes halving every ~4 years until it reaches its hard limit of 21 Trillion coins which they estimated to be reached in ~140 years. The block time is ~2 minutes and with a total of ~720 blocks currently 7.2 billion NEXA are mined per day.

Nexa is not premined. It was a fair launch and announced on multiple platforms so anyone can be able to mine from day one.

What’s interesting about mining this coin is that it has a very high coin emission of 21 Trillion. Yes, a lot of zeroes with a block time of 2 minutes and mining this could be fun.

Alright! Now that we know enough about the coin let’s get started mining it.

How to mine Nexa? (NEX – NexaPoW)

Nexa is currently GPU mined (AMD/NVIDIA) via third-party mining software. It is recommended that to mine this coin you need the latest gen RTX 40 series or RTX 30 series NVIDIA GPUs. If AMD you can use the top end cards like RX 7900 XT, RX 6900 XT, RX 6800 XT.

Before you start check out to find out which graphic cards has the highest performance and provides the best mining efficiency on NEXA. Note that hashrate shouldn’t be the only metric for measuring mining profitability, You also need to look at the efficiency.

OK, we’re assuming that you have the necessary hardware to mine NEXA. Now to get started you need the following: Wallet address, Miner software for NEXA and a mining pool to contribute your hash power.

NEXA wallet

Can I mine NEXA directly to an exchange wallet? NEXA is currently listed on few low volume exchanges such as: MEXC Global, TxBit, TradeOgre and Safe Trade. Most of the coins you can mine directly to exchange wallet, but we do not recommend this for NEXA.

There is something interesting about Nexa mining payout. The developers of the coin require 5000 block confirmation so your first payment will be done only 7 days after the start of mining. Since you have to wait for a week i.e. 5000 network confirmations to have your mined coins available we do not recommend mining this coin directly to an exchange wallet.

Please make sure you’re fully aware of this before mining Nexa.

It is better to setup a wallet for receiving mining payouts. Once you receive your first payment you can then sell / trade your coins on exchange.

Setup a wallet for NEXA

You can download the Nexa node from It is the official Nexa wallet that is available for Windows, OSX and Linux.

nexa wallet

There is also an Android wallet called Wally Nexa wallet, available from the App Store:

Both the wallets allows you to store funds in a secure and private environment. You can use any but here we’ll be showing the full node wallet setup.

Note: We do not recommend installing wallets of new low cap coins on your main computer. Only install it on your mining rig for safety precautions.

Go to, choose your operating system and download the wallet to your computer. Optionally you can verify the integrity of wallet file using SHA256 checksum.

Once downloaded run the wallet setup file. Choose your wallet destination folder. Once the installation is done open Nexa-Qt.

nexa blockchain

When you launch the wallet for the first time the wallet will ask you to choose the directory where you want to store data. Nexa will download and store the copy of blockchain to your computer and you need a minimum of 1 GB disk space. Choose the directory where you have enough free space available and click OK. If you don’t have enough storage can use the Android wallet. Or you can also use the web wallet: If you’re using web wallet then make sure to backup your 12 word seed phrase safely.

Once this is done allow Windows defender access for your Nexa wallet. The wallet will then open and start synchronizing. Meanwhile go to file >> receiving address and copy your address which looks something like this: nexa:nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js

nex address

Note: The full node QT wallet does not use the traditional 12 word seed phrase. Instead to backup you wallet you need to backup the wallet.dat file which you can find in your wallet’s data directory. Again note that you cannot recovery your wallet without your wallet.dat. If it is encrypted then you need both the wallet.dat and the encrypted password to access the wallet in the future.

For tips and tricks on utilizing the QT wallet check out this post:

Nexa Miner

Mining is possible on Windows, Linux as well as Hive OS with the following mining software’s.

Note: These are closed source miners and we advice caution when installing it on your main computer.

Choose your platform and download the latest version miner from the links above. If Windows; download the or which varies from miner to miner.

Note: Your browser might block the miner download specifying that the file could contain virus or malware. Its false positive, so just make exclusion and allow download. Likewise after downloading and when unzipping the miner file your Windows defender or Antivirus might block the program. Again its a false positive, so just add exclusion and unzip the file.

You can use any of these mining software’s as all have the same fees. Some miners report that the latest version lolMiner has significant hashrate improvements for the nexapow mining algorithm. Some say BzMiner providers better hashrate and efficiency. Anyways here we’ll share the configuration for all these miners and you can choose the miner that works for you and has the best performance/efficiency.

Nexa Mining Pools

You can mine Nexa solo or via pools. For beginners we do not recommend Solo Mining. It’s not going to be worth it. Anyways if you want to try solo then you can use BzMiner which supports solo mining directly to your own node. Learn how to solo mine.

There are also other pools like ACC pool and Nexa Pool. For a complete list of mining pools check out:

Here in this guide we’ll share the Nexa miner config settings for WoolyPooly and Rplant mining pool.

Mining Nexa on Windows

Download the miner, unzip it and open the folder. You’ll find miner configuration Windows batch file for all the coins including Nexa.

BzMiner – Nexa.bat

@echo off
cd /d %~dp0

:: replace 0000 with your wallet address

:: mine to woolypool
bzminer -a nexa -w 0000 -p stratum+tcp:// --nc 1

:: mine to pool137
::bzminer -a nexa -w 0000 -p stratum+tcp:// --nc 1

:: mine to
::bzminer -a nexa -w 0000 -p stratum+ssl:// stratum+ssl:// stratum+ssl:// stratum+ssl:// --nc 1

:: mine to acc pool
::bzminer -a nexa -w 0000 -p stratum+tcp:// --nc 1

:: mine to rplant
::bzminer -a nexa -w 0000 -p stratum+tcps:// --nc 1


WildRigMulti – Start-Nexa-rplant

@echo off

wildrig.exe --algo nexapow --url stratum+tcp:// --user nqtsq5g5uw05wdm7fv0ughd3459t3v5l26r0r4spfmtyhcjw --pass x

if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto custom
timeout /t 5
goto loop

echo Custom command here
timeout /t 5
goto loop

lolMiner – Mine_Nexa.bat

@echo off

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

Rem #################################
Rem ## Begin of user-editable part ##
Rem #################################

set ""
set "WALLET=nexa:nqtsq5g5galktrng3lfa3u9p7yv9d0dzzkv400vgaz23m77e"

set "EXTRAPARAMETERS=--apiport 8020"

Rem #################################
Rem ## End of user-editable part ##
Rem #################################

cd /d %~dp0

set MyVariable=%CD%\lolMiner.exe

echo "Running lolMiner from %MyVariable%"
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "10.0" goto W10
goto OtherW

"%MyVariable%" --algo NEXA --pool !POOL! --user !WALLET! --watchdog exit !EXTRAPARAMETERS!
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 42 (
timeout 10
goto W10
goto END

"%MyVariable%" --algo NEXA --pool !POOL! --user !WALLET! --watchdog exit !EXTRAPARAMETERS! --nocolor
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 42 (
timeout 10
goto OtherW


Rigel Miner – Nexa.bat

@echo off
@cd /d "%~dp0"

:: replace the wallet addresses with your own

:: mine to vipor
rigel.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_NEXA_ADDRESS -w my_rig --log-file logs/miner.log

:: mine to acc-pool
::rigel.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_NEXA_ADDRESS -w my_rig --log-file logs/miner.log

:: mine to woolypooly
::rigel.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_NEXA_ADDRESS -w my_rig --log-file logs/miner.log

:: mine to rplant
::rigel.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_NEXA_ADDRESS -w my_rig --log-file logs/miner.log


NEXA Miner Configuration

You can either edit the existing reference script that contains the template for mining Nexa or you can create a new batch file. We advise you to create a new batch file. Within the miner folder just right click and create new text document and save it as .bat. It’ll be saved as text file. Open the text file and click save as, select file type as all files and name it Nexa-coin.bat and save.

Next open the nexa-coin.bat and input the following configuration.

BzMiner settings for WoolyPooly

bzminer.exe -a nexa -p stratum+tcp:// -w nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x

BzMiner settings for Rplant

bzminer.exe -a NEXA -p stratum+tcps:// -w nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x --nc 1

nexa mining

lolMiner settings for WoolyPooly

lolMiner.exe -a NEXA --pool stratum+tcp:// --tls on -u nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x

lolMiner settings for Rplant

lolMiner.exe -a NEXA --pool --tls on -u nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x

nexa miner

WildRigMulti settings for WoolyPooly

wildrig.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+tcp:// -u nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x

WildRigMulti settings for Rplant

wildrig.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+tcps:// -u nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x

wildrig miner

Rigel Miner settings for WoolyPooly

rigel.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+tcp:// -u nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x

Rigel Miner settings for Rplant

rigel.exe -a nexapow -o stratum+ssl:// -u nqtsq5g57hgg2yljjs76xjycnhmu7lm4j0ml92qkv6dyk5js.x

rigel miner

In the above configuration make sure to replace our wallet address with your Nexa address. When entering wallet address you don’t have to specify nexa:, just the address is enough. Also we’ve chosen eu as stratum server, change it to the one that is closest to your region such as USA, ASIA, Russia or Canada. You’ll find the connection details at pool page.

nexa mining pool server

Once you’ve replaced the wallet address save the nexa-coin.bat. Next disable windows real time virus & threat protection. Also add file and folder exclusion in your windows security and anti virus program. Once this is done you can go ahead and launch the bat file. And don’t forget to turn back on the virus protection.

That’s it! You’re now mining Nexa.

Nexa Mining on Hive OS

The following part assumes that you have a Hive OS account and already done setting up your mining rig. Hive OS supports all the mining software’s. To start mining Nexa on Hive OS first you need to create wallet.

Go to Hive OS >> Click Add Wallet.

nex hive os wallet

Choose coin as NEXA and input your address. You don’t have to include the Nexa: before the address. Name your wallet and click create.

Once wallet is created you need to create a flight sheet for Nexa. Click on Flight sheet and add new flight sheet. Choose coin as NEXA, select the wallet which you just created, choose the mining pool, miner and click create flight sheet. Previously only WildRig Multi was available on Hive OS. Now they’ve added BzMiner, lolMiner as well as Rigel Miner.

nexa flightsheet

Next go to workers tab. Choose your worker, go to flight sheet and select Nexa flight sheet which you just created. Click on the flight icon to launch the miner.

That’s it! You’re now mining Nexa on Hive OS.

Mining payouts

Like other coins you won’t receive any payouts to your wallet just after you start mining. Remember the 1 week confirmations to get your coins. Until 5000 confirmation you won’t receiving any payout to your address. However you can track your earnings in mining pool and as long as your miner is successfully submitting shares there is nothing to worry about.

Go to the pool dashboard and enter your Nexa wallet address. It’ll display your reported hashrate and mining rewards. Once you receive your first payment from pool i.e. after 6 to 7 days or after 5000 confirmations, payout occurs normally several times a day.

Nexa overclock settings

NexaPoW is a GPU intensive algorithm and so you’ll benefit from higher core clock. Memory clocks are irrelevant and increasing memory clock is not going to show any performance improvements so you can safely lower the memory clock to negative vales until you see your hashrate dropping. You can set the power limit to 70%.

Note: Lowering video memory provides optimal performance boost while saving some power. However do not lower it too much as it leads to significant reduction in hashrate. NexaPoW algorithm is core intensive, however it still requires the use of some memory so keep that in mind and do not down-clock the memory too much for lower power consumption. It is not beneficial.

You can specify overclock settings on bat file, but instead of that we recommend you to use MSI afterburner which gives you more control over your GPU.

Miner reported overclock settings for a bunch of different cards can be found here. It has OC settings for RTX 30 and RTX 20 series cards as well as some RX 6000 and 7000 series cards.

Overclock sheet:

Start with Power limit 70%, Memory clock 0 or negative value to save power and Core clock + 100.

Note: Settings for each and every card varies. Feel free to play around with the overclock settings to find the optimal settings for power / performance..

Nexa Hashrate Benchmarks

To know the estimated hashrate and mining efficiency for various graphic cards check The following link has the benchmark report for all the popular GPUs such as: RTX 4090, RTX 4080, RTX 4070 Ti, RTX 3090 Ti, RTX 3090, RTX 3080 TI, RTX 3080 12GB, RTX 3070 Ti, 3060 TI, RX 7900 XT, RX 6900 XT and 6800 XT. The more powerful the graphic card; the higher the hashrate.

Other than benchmarks the site also has the list on mining pools, displays hashrate for various cards, network difficulty, mining profit calculator, price and market cap.

Nexa Mining calculators

Once you start mining you’ll get to know your hardware hashrate for Nexa mining. Once you know your hashrate you can estimate your mining profits using the following mining calculators.


Using these calculators you’ll find out how many NEXA per day or week you could mine with your hardware.

That’s All! Hope we’ve covered everything about mining Nexa. We explained how to setup a wallet for Nexa, how to set up your bat file and start mining straight to the pool. To make the most out of your mining profits you can also dual mine Nexa with ZIL, Alephium, Kaspa, Radiant and various other coins. We’ll cover dual mining in a separate guide.

If you got any mining related questions then feel free to reach the mining community at their Discord channel:

Discord channel:

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