blockchain wallet


Aptos Wallet – Setup Martian and Petra Aptos wallet for Aptos blockchain

Quick Aptos wallet beginners guide. We’ll show you how to setup and use Martian and Petra Aptos wallet. Also we’ll…

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Cosmos (ATOM) wallet guide – How to setup & use Keplr Cosmos wallet

Looking for the best Cosmos ATOM wallet that you can use to manage, send, receive, store Cosmos but also to…

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How to send exact amount of BTC to the recipient including fees?

Send exact BTC – This is a quick tip on sending Bitcoin payments in exact amounts. Basically to send any…

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Bitcoin address changed – Why my wallet’s BTC address keep changing?

Has your Bitcoin address changed? When sending / receiving Bitcoin or while just checking the account page of your online…

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Knowledge Base

What is Bitcoin change address? “Change” output and address explained

Have you just made a Bitcoin payment and discovered that part of your Bitcoins are transferred to an unknown address?…

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Bitcoin Wallet vs Address – Differences between crypto wallet and address

Are you new to Bitcoin, or Ethereum, Litecoin and are looking for a way to store your coins? All you…

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Coinomi desktop wallet review & beginners guide to wallet setup / usage

We’ve seen many users particularly beginners storing their cryptocurrencies on an exchange platform. Not just for trading but they do…

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What does -rescan, -reindex command do & How to rescan / reindex wallet?

Core wallet is quite sensitive and two commands which is used to fix a large number of wallet related issues…

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Core wallet: “No block source available” – How to fix this?

Trying to sync our core wallet can be quite challenging at times and everyone of us might have gone through…

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Watch-Only Bitcoin address – What it is & how to create watch only wallet

Beginners who are new to this space are often advised to be cautious when it comes to investing in Bitcoin…

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