
Knowledge Base

How many Bitcoins are mined per hour / day / month & how many left to mine?

“Bitcoin Supply: How many Bitcoins are there?”. The number of Bitcoins in circulation. How many coins will ever be created?…

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Knowledge Base

What are Block Rewards? How Bitcoin mining block rewards work?

Previously on Coin Guides we’ve explained Bitcoin confirmations, Bitcoin mempool, Block height, transaction hash ID and many others. Here in…

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Monero balance (locked) and unlocked balance in GUI & CLI wallet explained

Monero (XMR) is a decentralized, private, secure and untraceable cryptocurrency that is freely available to everyone. There are many vendors…

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Knowledge Base

Transaction Hash ID (TXID) – What is it & how to find the transaction ID

Have you just made a payment and the recipient is asking for the “transaction hash”? Whether you pay in Bitcoin,…

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What does -rescan, -reindex command do & How to rescan / reindex wallet?

Core wallet is quite sensitive and two commands which is used to fix a large number of wallet related issues…

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Knowledge Base

What is Block Height in cryptocurrency? Blockchain height explained

How many times have you come across this occurrence where the developer of a coin tells you to update wallets…

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