

Monero wallet: “Daemon failed to start” error – What is it & how to fix?

After the recent Monero upgrade several users reported that they were unable to access their Monero GUI wallet. Actually they…

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How to update Monero wallet? Upgrading Monero (XMR) GUI and CLI wallet

Just like Windows, Mac and other software upgrades; cryptocurrencies also undergo a series of updates. Bitcoin updates its protocol, Ethereum…

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How to restore Monero wallet from mnemonic seed – Importing paper wallet

Remember, in our Monero wallet backup guide we told you to backup mnemonic seed, private keys and wallet keys file.…

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SRBMiner – AMD GPU miner supporting all CryptoNight Algorithms / Coins

CryptoNight Algorithm is basically designed to resist ASIC and to make CPU and GPU mining equally efficient. Currently there are…

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Tutorial: How to setup, configure and use XMRig? CPU, AMD and NVIDIA miner

When GPU mining is about to become obsolete on algorithms like Equihash (Equihash ASIC); CryptoNight is still being the savior…

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XMR-AEON-STAK – All in one Cryptonight Miner V7, V3, Lite, Heavy

XMR-STAK is basically an all in one Cryptonight miner that supports CPU, NVIDIA (CUDA 9) and AMD (OpenCL 2.0) GPUs.…

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How to use XMR-STAK? Beginners guide to xmr-stak CryptoNight miner – v7

Basically to get started with mining any Cryptocurrency  you’ll need three things. 1. Hardware (CPU or GPU). 2. Wallet address…

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