Raven Enemy Miner – ccMiner Enemy 1.03 fork for Raven mining (RVN) | X16R
This topic is only for people who are mining Raven coin. Yes, X16R is a unique hashing algorithm specifically designed by Raven coin to resist purpose build hardware’s like ASICs (Application specific Integrated Circuits) and FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). We’ve not posted a thing about Raven coin so far which you can expect soon. However it’s about time that we share our thoughts on Raven Enemy miner.
You may ask what so special about Raven Coin and this Enemy Miner. We’ve been mining Raven coin from its launch and we saw recently many people got hyped to mine this coin. There is no road map or whitepaper for Ravencoin yet but the reason for the hype is mainly because of its unique design in algorithm and a strong community behind this. Recently from the community the most spoken topic was about CCminer Enemy. Here in this post we’ll share our opinion on Raven Enemy Miner.
Raven Miner
During its launch Raven coin was only minable using CPU until tpruvot version of ccminer released for NVIDIA cards and then recently AMD miner got released. X16R is a combination of 16 different hashing algorithms and the whitepaper for the X16R can be found here. Due to constant change in algorithm there used to so much of power spikes. Many miners even reported that tpruvot version is not stable which crashes a lot and they had to reboot the system very often. Most can’t overclock their GPUs with tpruvot version which if they do so they end up in crashing their rigs. Due to this many had to run the miner at stock settings and even some had to underclock it; suffering performance loss until Enemy miner came out.
ccMiner Enemy 1.03 for Raven (RVN) – Windows NVIDIA
ccMiner Enemy is a CUDA accelerated miner for NVIDIA GPUs to mine x16R algorithm. This miner is forked and known to give better stable performance on Raven mining. So what’s the talk about Enemy miner? The developer who released Enemy miner has only released the binary executable and not released the source code which simply violates the GPL license. Due to this GitHub has removed the link to this miner. Many say that it may contain a malware or dev fee which none found yet. However the majority of hashrate for mining Raven comes from Enemy miner.
We’ve tested both tpruvot version raven miner and Enemy miner on our rigs. Testing both the miners even at overclocked settings we haven’t faced any crashes or hiccups. However one thing which we noticed from Enemy miner is that it’s easy on your PSU, more stable and it notably improved the performance. Not just on the console but on the pool report too. Yes, the hashrate improved from 10% to 15%, there are few who even stated that there is a 25% increase in hashrates after using Enemy Miner.
Since the link is no longer available at GitHub we’ll share the Enemy miner download link at the end of this post. Before that we will share the things which we noticed from this miner
Enemy Miner – ccminre/enemy-1.03
- Enemy miner improved the hashrate from 15% to 25% compared to ccminer 2.2.5.
- Hashrate seems more stable, not just on the console but on the pool report as well.
- Even at overclocked settings Enemy miner stays stable and we’ve not experienced a single crash so far.
- A user at bitcointalk says that ccminer enemy works with 12 GPUs. Also the same person reported that the average wattage used by enemy miner is more than ccminer 2.2.5.
Also Read: Antivirus blocking miner
Note: We recommend you to never use it on your PC where you have all the wallet and other secure information since few miners say that it does a call out. In fact we don’t even recommend to use this miner as it is closed source. However if you wish then at your own risk and at extreme caution you can try running it on your mining rigs.
Download link to ccminer Enemy 1.03: Link Updated
If you found this link is dead then please inform us, we’ll upload and share another link. Also if you are using this miner then your views are welcome in comments section.