Press Release

Common tips to secure your Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Backups

As Bitcoin’s popularity continues, people are looking for ways to protect their coins. Bitcoin wallets use private keys for encryption, meaning only the owner can access them. However, the user can misplace private keys, exposing them to the risk of losing their digital assets. Some users have lost private keys, hard drives, and a flash drive with their Bitcoins.

Luckily, with digital wallets all you need to remember is the account password when you lose private keys. If you activate your 2-factor authentication, you may require Google Authenticator access.

Most people buy Bitcoin on platforms like AI Stock Profit. Such platforms allow users to register and start trading Bitcoin. Perhaps, you can read more about this auto trading software here bitcoin prime software.

After buying Bitcoins, you may want to store them off the crypto exchange. In that case, you can keep the tokens in a cold wallet. Nobody can access Bitcoins on your device without the mnemonic seed phrase or private keys. If the hard drive crashes or if you misplace the cold wallet, you can set up the wallet using the private key or seed phrase.

Back-Up the Bitcoin Wallet

You may opt to back up your entire digital wallet with internal private keys. These keys link to the Bitcoin address but may not be sufficient for recovering the whole amount. Nevertheless, you may consider exporting private keys or backing up your wallet, depending on your Bitcoin’s storage location. After that, you can use a flash drive to save the backup or write it on paper and keep it secure. But how do you secure your Bitcoin wallet backup?

Encrypt Your Bitcoin Wallet Backup

If you store your Bitcoin wallet backup online, it may be prone to hacks and thefts. For instance, you may connect your computer to an internet that exposes it to malicious programs and software. That means somebody can access your Bitcoin wallet backup, and you won’t notice.

Therefore, encrypt your online backup to ensure that nobody can access it even if they get the files. However, make sure that you always remember the password to avoid losing your crypto assets.

Most Bitcoin wallets have limited options for recovering the password. For instance, you can encrypt the backup online or keep a paper copy of the password. Because you have Bitcoins in your wallet, create a strong password with at least 16 characters like punctuation marks, numbers, and letters. Also, create a solid and secure password using a password generator.

Backup Regularly

Regular Bitcoin wallet backups ensure that you have the recent crypto exchange and Bitcoin addresses. However, this might change because every application you use might have to backup your wallet once for easier access. Nevertheless, regular backups ensure that you have the recent addresses of crypto exchanges and Bitcoin.

Keep Wallet Backups in Different Locations

Crypto experts don’t recommend keeping crypto wallet backups in one location. Therefore, save the backups in different places, including disk drives, USB, and hard drives. That way, you will have several backup sources.

Nevertheless, ensure that the place where you store your backup is safe. Thus, not everyone should have access to your backup.

Final Thoughts

Always use an encrypted digital wallet, whether online or offline, to store your Bitcoins. Also, don’t store your tokens in any digital wallet. Some fraudulent wallets can steal your Bitcoins, and you won’t hear from them again. Also, some crypto wallets lack appropriate security measures. Therefore, visit an actual site URL while avoiding phishing websites. Additionally, double-check the crypto wallet’s reputation and how easily you can back it up. Store your Bitcoins in a crypto wallet only when you are sure it’s a secure place.

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