How to get email alerts on Bitcoin transactions – Monitor any BTC address
Have you ever wondered about receiving SMS notification or email alerts on Bitcoin transactions? If so then the following guide is for you.
First of all why do we need alerts when Bitcoin transactions are publicly viewable on the block explorer? Alerts and notifications are useful in many ways.
Say you wanted to closely monitor a BTC address for which you don’t control the private keys. You can still track them using blockchain explorer. However; rather than closely watching the address on explorer all the time you can receive crafted notification only when a transaction takes place. It saves your time.
Sometimes you may have to wait for more than a hour to get your BTC transaction fully confirmed. instead of refreshing the block explorer to check the confirmation status how about getting notified once the transaction is confirmed?
If you are a merchant using multiple addresses then you don’t have to keep your wallet running all the time. You can opt for a service that sends you email alerts whenever you receive a new incoming transaction to any of your BTC address.
Here in this beginners guide let’s see how to get email notifications on Bitcoin transactions (To / From any address).
How to get transaction notification for any BTC address?
It doesn’t matter whether it’s your address or the ones that you don’t have control.
To monitor any BTC address all we need is a watch-only wallet. Instead of setting up watch only wallet locally we are going to use a third party service that sends you alert messages.
Please Note: We do not own any of the following websites. These free services provide a convenient way to monitor Bitcoin address and their transactions. The setup is easy and they only require your email ID and public address / transaction hash.
Do not ever share your private keys to anyone. And never enter your seed phrase anywhere online. Also read the website’s privacy policy before entering your email ID or phone number. – Get alerts when transaction is confirmed
Update: This service has been discontinued.
If you are just waiting for your Bitcoin transaction to get confirmed then you don’t have to refresh the explorer often. You can use this simple free service called
Just enter the transaction hash, your email ID and subscribe. This service will send you notification when your transaction gets confirmed and included in a block. – Web push notifications
If you don’t like the idea of entering your email address on some random website then you can use Enter the transaction ID and click on notify me. This website will send you web push notification when your transaction gets confirmed.
It works perfectly and in real time. Its free and no need to sign up for anything.
Cryptocurrency Alerting
Cryptocurrency Alerting is another service where you can monitor both BTC and ETH wallet address. They notify you whenever a transaction occurs to a specified wallet address.
Its free up to 3 alerts and you have to sign up to use this service. In addition to wallet alert they have coin listing alert, exchange alert, price alert and many more. Gives you notification pretty much instantly and moreover you can choose how you want to notified.
Supported alert methods are: Email, SMS, Phone call, Push notification, Browser notification, Webhook, Slack, Telegram and Discord message.
Blockonomics is another popular service where you can watch any BTC address. When the watch address gets funded you’ll get an email.
This service is free. In addition to wallet watch; if you are a merchant you can use Blockonomics service to accept Bitcoin payments directly to your wallet.
Bitcoin Address Lookup – Another simple tool that will send you email notifications on transactions to & from any Bitcoin address. Â To setup free transaction alerts for BTC address you need to sign up first. They will send a nice formatted email.
Do you know any other free or paid service where you can set SMS / Email alerts for Bitcoin transactions or one that provides a convenient method to monitor BTC address? Please let us know in the comments section.
Similar Guide: Get email notification on masternode payments & status change
Could you please provide more details about the free services mentioned in the text that allow users to set SMS/Email alerts for Bitcoin transactions and monitor BTC addresses? Additionally, are there any paid alternatives that offer similar functionalities? Thank you in advance! was apparently was discontinued is easy to use