

Monero balance (locked) and unlocked balance in GUI & CLI wallet explained

Monero (XMR) is a decentralized, private, secure and untraceable cryptocurrency that is freely available to everyone. There are many vendors…

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CryptoDredge 0.9.4, 0.9.5 – Exosis, C11, Polytimos, BCD, CN v8, X17, BitCore

We once mentioned about CryptoDredge NVIDIA miner. But that’s long ago when the miner was in its early stage and…

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Monero wallet: “Daemon failed to start” error – What is it & how to fix?

After the recent Monero upgrade several users reported that they were unable to access their Monero GUI wallet. Actually they…

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How to update Monero wallet? Upgrading Monero (XMR) GUI and CLI wallet

Just like Windows, Mac and other software upgrades; cryptocurrencies also undergo a series of updates. Bitcoin updates its protocol, Ethereum…

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Crypto Mining

How to mine Masari (MSR) using CPU and GPU – CN-Fast Miners and Hashrate

More and more coins forking and using same Proof of Work algorithm is not a good idea. As the algorithm…

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What is Masari (MSR)? Masari coin features, specifications & wallet setup

If you know Monero then you probably know that there are so many Cryptocurrencies based on Monero. Previously we’ve discussed…

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